What Should You Do When You Chip a Tooth?

What Should You Do When You Chip A Tooth?

    A chipped tooth can happen to anyone at any time—in a 2013 study, over 66% of people had at least one cracked molar, making this an extremely common condition. Whether it’s from a fall, an accident, or simply biting down on something too hard, it’s a painful and sometimes embarrassing occurrence. However, leaving […]

A Guide to Combating Dental Anxiety

woman nervous about dental treatment while sitting in dental office

  From the fear of heights and flying to needles and the dentist’s office, everyone has their own anxieties to deal with. Whether it’s the sterile smell, the buzzing sound of the drill, or the bright white lights, going to the dentist can be incredibly stress-inducing. The way dentists are portrayed in the entertainment industry […]

Wisdom Teeth Aftercare Tips: Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Procedures

Older woman smiling

You’ve just had wisdom teeth removal, and you’re in pain. Before your surgery, you researched the procedure in depth, making sure you were informed and ready for your tooth extraction. But what should you do now following your appointment? In this blog post, we’ll cover the procedure, aftercare, and what foods you should be avoiding […]

How to Make Dental Care Fun for Kids

A young girl sits in a dental chair with a dental bib, holding a stuffed rabbit and high-fiving the dentist.

Many parents grapple with the challenge of making dental care appealing to children, often finding it difficult to instill the importance of maintaining oral health in a way that’s both fun and engaging. From leveraging themed dental products to introducing reward systems, this blog aims to encourage healthy habits early on, ensuring that children grow […]

The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health

A smiling woman brushes her teeth in a mirror.

Often overlooked, the state of our oral health extends its influence far beyond the confines of our teeth and gums, touching upon aspects of our well-being we might never have considered. Exploring the link between oral health and overall health is important, as it can help better understand our bodies and how certain factors can […]

Oral Piercings and Dental Health: What You Need to Know

A smiling Black woman shown from the nose down with a septum piercing and lip ring.

  Oral piercings have become increasingly popular, and if you’re considering getting one, you might wonder how it could impact your dental health. There are two main risks to consider: the first is from the piercing process itself, and the second is the potential effect it might have on your teeth and gums. Let’s explore […]

The Role of Diet in Maintaining Strong Teeth

Closeup of a mouth biting an apple

How does what you eat affect your oral health? Most people believe that their daily dental routine impacts their teeth and gums the most, but your diet also plays an important role. That’s right, your meals can make all the difference in strengthening or weakening your teeth. In this post, we’ll draw connections between nutrition […]

The ABCs of Pediatric Dentistry: When to Start and What to Expect

A smiling boy holds a large jaw in his hands.

Do you know when it’s time for your little one’s first dental visit? It might be sooner than you thought. In this post, we’ll look at how you can prepare for their first appointment, what to expect, and some early concerns that could arise. Getting your child’s dental care on track is essential for their […]

How to Handle Tooth Sensitivity After a Whitening Treatment

Sensitivity After Whitening Treatment

Teeth whitening treatments allow you to embrace a brighter, more radiant smile in a few easy steps. While these treatments are straightforward, they can have a common yet uncomfortable side effect: Tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity can range anywhere from mild discomfort to sharp, intense pain. In this post, we’ll explore why this sensitivity occurs after […]

How to Prevent and Treat Teeth Grinding


Detecting oral health conditions early can mean the difference between maintaining a healthy smile and dealing with ongoing dental issues. Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can cause a variety of dental complications, such as enamel erosion, teeth fractures, and jaw discomfort. While Teeth grinding is involuntary, there are actions that we can take, both […]