The Many Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Before and After of a woman's smile getting teeth whitening.

Would you like to have a brighter, whiter smile? Would you be interested in a service that could deliver more self-confidence, better career opportunities, improved interactions with others – even a better romantic life? While this might sound like a too-good-to-be-true sales pitch, the benefits of teeth whitening cannot be discounted (though it is very […]

7 Coping Strategies for Nervous Patients

man in a dental chair smiling at his dentist

Many of us suffer from dental anxiety. In fact, 1 in 5 people experience some degree of moderate fear during their treatment. Fortunately, there are some coping strategies for nervous patients that actually work. Here are 7 techniques that you can try before and during your dental treatment that will calm your nerves and help […]

Improve Your Smile with Veneers

Do you have teeth that have cracks, chips, stains, mismatching and/or wear and tear from aging?   If so, you may be a good candidate for porcelain veneers.   Veneers are an increasingly popular service within cosmetic dentistry, helping to restore confidence in one’s smile as well as contributing to the strength and function of […]

Why Haven’t I Lost All of My Baby Teeth

Do you still have a baby tooth even though all of your other adult teeth have come in? If so, don’t worry, it’s actually quite normal. There are many adults who still have at least one baby tooth left in their mouths. If you haven’t lost all your baby teeth and are not sure what […]

5 Common Emergency Dentist Appointments

Wondering what counts as an emergency when it comes to your teeth? We’ve listed some of the most common emergency dentist appointments that we deal with. If you or a loved one experiences any of these, contact us any time and we’ll arrange an appointment to have it looked at and treated as soon as […]

Sedation Dentistry: Reducing Fear, Stress & Anxiety

Does going to the dentist make you feel nervous or anxious? Are you concerned about feeling uncomfortable at an upcoming dental procedure?   If so, sedation dentistry in Kemptville, Kanata or Carleton Place could be right for you.   Sedation in dentistry has been used safely and effectively for many years. Thanks to the two […]

6 Things to Consider When Choosing a New Dentist

Choosing the right dentist is important because if you aren’t happy with them, you’ll be less inclined to get the oral care you need to maintain a healthy smile. Finding a dentist that you can feel comfortable with and trust is essential, especially for those who experience any dental phobias or anxiety during appointments. Before […]

5 Reasons to Develop Healthy Dental Hygiene Habits at a Young Age

Teaching children good habits starting from a young age is an essential part of helping them lead a healthy and happy life. And part of those good habits should include taking proper care of their teeth and gums. Practicing good oral hygiene is imperative for maintaining a healthy smile and also for maintaining good overall […]

5 Small Dental Habits That Make the Biggest Difference

Good oral hygiene is about more than simply brushing your teeth and cleaning under the gumline. It’s about all the little things you do regularly to keep your mouth clean and healthy. If you’re looking for ways to improve your oral health, here are 5 small dental habits that make the biggest difference overall.  Brushing […]

5 Dentistry Myths

There’s a lot of false information out there when it comes to our teeth and overall dental health. In this article, we’re going to dispel many of those common dentistry myths and help you get the facts straight so that you can take proper care of your teeth and gums. Keep reading to separate fact […]