5 Tips to Relieve a Dry Mouth

Are You Experiencing Severe Dry Mouth?  Dry mouth, also known medically as xerostomia, occurs commonly from medications, dehydration, infection, and tobacco. One of the best ways to treat dry mouth is to understand the root of the problem however if it’s something you can’t prevent, there are ways to relieve the issue or at the […]

Do I Really Need to Wear a Mouthguard?

Mouthguards are designed to absorb and dissipate pressure to protect your teeth, tongue, face, and jaw from injury. They can also be used to reposition your jaw and help open up your airways while sleeping. If you play sports or have a sleep disorder, a mouthguard can offer the protection you need and help to […]

5 Issues Caused By Impacted or Crowded Teeth

The teeth along your upper jaw should slightly overlap those of your lower jaw so that the grooves of the molars fit into the opposite one. If you have misalignment and partially impacted teeth, this can cause problems that can lead to oral health complications if left untreated. If you’re concerned about your teeth, make […]

Our Predicted Dentistry Trends for 2020

In competitive industries such as dentistry, it’s critical to stay on top of both upcoming and current trends in order to provide the best possible services for your patients. At Yazdani Family Dentistry, we’re always improving the variety of services we offer to keep up with our patients’ varying needs. Read on to learn more […]

Can My Diet Affect My TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders impact the chewing muscles and the joint that connects your jaw and skull. Pain associated with this joint is called temporomandibular joint disorder (also known as TMJ). Activities that may seem simple such as chewing, drinking, and talking can be much more challenging for people suffering from this disorder. Don’t […]

The Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Is sleep apnea something you should be concerned about? Possibly. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder where your breathing becomes constantly interrupted throughout the night. These short breathing pauses can occur hundreds of times during the night, impacting your natural sleep rhythm and depriving you of much-needed rest. If left untreated, sleep apnea can […]

IV Sedation vs. Laughing Gas – Which is Right for You?

Do you tense up with fear when you think about visiting the dentist? Or do you worry that you’ll experience pain during your next procedure? Many people experience dental phobia just like you. Fortunately, there’s a solution to help – sedation. IV Sedation and laughing gas are common methods that can be used to help […]

Do I Really Need to Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Not all wisdom teeth need to come out. Sometimes these final sets of molars can emerge properly aligned. When they’re misaligned and causing issues, then they will likely need to be removed. How does your dentist decide whether you need to get your wisdom teeth removed? Read on to find out when it’s absolutely necessary […]

7 Myths About Fluoride

Despite all the evidence that deems fluoride as safe, it has gained a bad reputation among many. This has led many people to stop using fluoride treatments that are designed to strengthen and protect our teeth. If you’re not sure what to believe, here are 7 myths about fluoride, debunked. Fluoride is Unnatural Fluoride is, […]